expectations beware
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
It turns out we spend a lot of our lives running around trying to do what others expect of us. It is essentially how we're reared. Parents set expectations and we either meet them or don't. Our spouses have expectations, our children have expectations, our friends have expectations...we have expectations for ourselves. Man, even God . . .
customize this
HR and Work Simply-Engineered
Your employees can walk into any Starbucks and get their very own special patent-able beverage...because that's the way they want it. They can tap Pandora to stream straight to their little eardrums any type of music at any time...because that's the way they want it. They can go to Nike and build any shoe in any color in any design . . .
Posted in: competitive advantageconsumerismcustomizationdifferentiationfuture of workhrjobvitenikepandorapersonalizationspecial saucestarbucksuberuniversity of phoenix
right talent right place
HR & Works Simply-Engineered
Nitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.
How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?
This is what I told them...
"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .
Posted in: authenticitybest buycommunicationconsumerismemployer brandemployer profilefuture of workhuman resourceshumanizing worktalent acquisitiontransparencytrenchhr
protecting the community of one
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I remain a student of the workplace as a community. The concept isn't new. But it's certainly growing on me (and others). Simply defined by Webster as "a unified body of individuals," community is a lot about "togetherness." While this definition is quite simple on paper, there is an important symbiosis here that . . .
Posted in: balancecollaborationcommunicationcommunitydemocratizationhuman resourceshumanizing workindividuality
stop teaching, start finding
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
Since the dawn of time...literally...all living creatures have been programmed to pass their knowledge on to their successors. For most lifeforms, that knowledge passes quite naturally through a reliably consistent strain of DNA. For more intelligent life - like, say, mammals - much of that transfer happens through observation, mimic, and a . . .
Posted in: discoveryfuture of workhr simply engineeredhuman resourceshumanizing workinnovationlearning and developmenttraining
pass the podium
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I received an invitation the other day from X (I won't embarrass the organization) for a Leadership Series on “Lessons Learned from the Corner Office.” Comprised mostly of CEO’s (because HR professionals don’t sit ‘in the corner office’), I was promised to be schooled from the podium in what we suck at, how I might be more like them, and . . .
it's not yours
Work and HR Simply-Engineered
This is much less of a blog post than a public service announcement. Thank you to Lars Schmidt and Hootsuite for inspiring it. Sure, it's a rant. But you've grown to expect that.
Consider posting it in your break room, by the elevators...anywhere. For best results, make sure your marketing team see's it.
Date: . . .
Posted in: authenticitycareer pagescommunicationscommunityemployer brandhootsuitehrhr simply engineeredlars schmidtleadershiplet gomarketingrecruitingtalent acquisitiontrust
Cover image credit: http://steel.org