right talent right place
HR & Works Simply-Engineered
Nitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.
How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?
This is what I told them...
"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .
Posted in: authenticitybest buycommunicationconsumerismemployer brandemployer profilefuture of workhuman resourceshumanizing worktalent acquisitiontransparencytrenchhr
You do not suck
HR Simply-Engineered
If everyone took the time to read everything that's printed everyday about the Human Resources profession, the world of work, and how to make it better, we'd all be lost in a sea of mostly meaningless words. Interesting concepts? Sure. Thoughtful? Maybe. Relevant? Only you can decide that.
As an HR professional, you've . . .
Fishbowl Logic
HR Simply-Engineered
Simple HR through Sound Bites
I used to write another blog - HRFishbowl. It was my foray into mouthing-off to the world. It's gone now...I gave it up...it was time. I saved some stuff, though. Much of the following came from those days. Fishbowl Logic is essentially a set of pithy ideas for keeping HR simple.
1) HR . . .
Posted in: changecharlie judycommunicationcommunitycompensationdatafishbowl logichrhr professionhr simply engineeredjack welchleadershipperformance managementtrenchhrvacation
Why bother?
HR Simply-Engineered
How often do you take time to question the reasonableness, or idiocy, of what’s being asked of you and your team? When’s the last time you made a substantially complete inventory of all the things your HR team does? Do you think all of it serves a relevant purpose? I'm willing to bet a lot of it doesn't. But the only way to know for . . .
A Call to Maladjustment
HR Simply-Engineered
On 1/18/2010, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Bethel College played for the first time a recording of a speech Dr. King made on its campus. It is the only known recording of this speech and they were lucky enough to track down an alumnus who brought his own reel-to-reel recording equipment to the auditorium that day 50 years ago. How cool is . . .
Posted in: changedisruptionfuture of workhrhr simply engineeredhrfishbowlmartin luther king jr.old schooltrenchhr
You can't win for trying
HR Simply-Engineered
Remember when we all used to run around as HR professionals shouting from the top of our lungs how we must strive toward “employer of choice” status. EOC was the HR buzz term for the late 90’s and early 00’s. I grew up in the industry drinking that cool-aid. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a good idea to try and create an environment where your . . .
Nonsensical HR
HR Simply-Engineered
I caught a tweet the other day from a student who suggested that even though she had a big HR exam the next day, she wasn’t stressed because HR was “common sense.” I fumed on this a bit. Then I realized I myself have made a career out of HR and never once took a HR course in school. I started as a CPA…a profession not well-known as an HR . . .
Posted in: cpahrhr professionhr simply engineeredhrfishbowlhuman resourceshumanizing workintinctold schooltrainingtrenchhr
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