Innovating the World of Work
Humanizing the Workplace
Some things should be left alone. They are as perfect today as they were when they were first made - whether by (wo)man, by Mother Nature, or by our favorite higher-power. It's a good thing, though, that we like to tinker. Because there's a lot of tinkering to be had.
The 'world of work' needs...well, work. In spite . . .
Posted in: apprenticeship modelchangecharlie judycommand and controlcommunityfuture of workhierarchyhumanizing workinnovation
Fishbowl Logic
HR Simply-Engineered
Simple HR through Sound Bites
I used to write another blog - HRFishbowl. It was my foray into mouthing-off to the world. It's gone now...I gave it was time. I saved some stuff, though. Much of the following came from those days. Fishbowl Logic is essentially a set of pithy ideas for keeping HR simple.
1) HR . . .
Posted in: changecharlie judycommunicationcommunitycompensationdatafishbowl logichrhr professionhr simply engineeredjack welchleadershipperformance managementtrenchhrvacation
Community Based Recruiting
HR Simply-Engineered
The age of loyal-til-you-die employment has virtually vanished from our great planet (as it should). There are of course lots of reasons for this. But the biggest is that human beings are more discerning about the world of work than they've ever been. They actually care about whether they are rewarded fairly for their contributions; how . . .
Simply-Engineering HR
Creating Community Carbon
HR is Broken
After spending 17+ years as a Human Resources Executive with firms like Deloitte, Navigant Consutling, and Baker Tilly, I figured out that the HR function as we know it is quite simply irrelevant.
The company says it wants its HR people to partner more closely with the business, to be more strategic, to drive . . .
Posted in: advisory servicescharlie judycommunityhrhr professionhr simply engineeredhuman resourcesrecruitingstrategywhat i do
Changing the HR Conversation
HR Simply-Engineered
Ride the Groundswell
If markets are conversations, then the people who are doing the talking, the listening, and the sharing are the most important asset we have. The groundswell exists, and it is powerful—we’re part of this groundswell, and we can make the future of work - its humanization - happen right now, in lots of little . . .
Posted in: charlie judycluetrain manifestodilbertfacilitatorhrhuman resourcesspeakingthe officewhat i do
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