right talent right place
HR & Works Simply-Engineered
Nitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.
How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?
This is what I told them...
"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .
Posted in: authenticitybest buycommunicationconsumerismemployer brandemployer profilefuture of workhuman resourceshumanizing worktalent acquisitiontransparencytrenchhr
protecting the community of one
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I remain a student of the workplace as a community. The concept isn't new. But it's certainly growing on me (and others). Simply defined by Webster as "a unified body of individuals," community is a lot about "togetherness." While this definition is quite simple on paper, there is an important symbiosis here that . . .
Posted in: balancecollaborationcommunicationcommunitydemocratizationhuman resourceshumanizing workindividuality
stop teaching, start finding
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
Since the dawn of time...literally...all living creatures have been programmed to pass their knowledge on to their successors. For most lifeforms, that knowledge passes quite naturally through a reliably consistent strain of DNA. For more intelligent life - like, say, mammals - much of that transfer happens through observation, mimic, and a . . .
Posted in: discoveryfuture of workhr simply engineeredhuman resourceshumanizing workinnovationlearning and developmenttraining
Fourteen days out
HR Simply-Engineered
When the average 22 year-old college graduate is confronted for the first time with their future after keg stands and Frisbee on the quad, it is an abyss. Faced with the threat of having to move back home and sleeping in the old bedroom, there is nothing more appealing than a paycheck. It is a saving grace. And most will do almost anything . . .
Posted in: authenticitycareersdeloittefamilyfuture of workhumanizing workkeg standslibertiespaychecksserenitytulaneworklife
Don't Confuse Instinct with Insight
HR Simply-Engineered
I don't claim to be the smartest guy in the room. And when it comes to work, I certainly don't have all the answers. But I think I've spent enough time crawling through the mud to recognize 'speakity-speak.' There seems to be a whole lot of it out there these days. Are the workplace pundits really just waking up to the . . .
Posted in: culturefuture of workhappinesshrhr professionhr simply engineeredhumanizing workinstinctproductivityvirgin
Innovating the World of Work
Humanizing the Workplace
Some things should be left alone. They are as perfect today as they were when they were first made - whether by (wo)man, by Mother Nature, or by our favorite higher-power. It's a good thing, though, that we like to tinker. Because there's a lot of tinkering to be had.
The 'world of work' needs...well, work. In spite . . .
Posted in: apprenticeship modelchangecharlie judycommand and controlcommunityfuture of workhierarchyhumanizing workinnovation
Build Communities, not Institutions
HR Simply-Engineered
Human beings are complex, but only if you get in their way.
But If you don't - if you allow their whole-selves to flourish - good people will do great things with a workplace. Passion and purpose will emerge. And suddenly, the place will start to look a lot more like a community...not an institution. Finally! A place where...
. . .Posted in: communicationcommunitycommunity carbondiversity and inclusionfuture of workhrhuman resourceshumanizing workleadershiporganization structure
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