right talent right place
HR & Works Simply-Engineered
Nitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.
How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?
This is what I told them...
"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .
Posted in: authenticitybest buycommunicationconsumerismemployer brandemployer profilefuture of workhuman resourceshumanizing worktalent acquisitiontransparencytrenchhr
protecting the community of one
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I remain a student of the workplace as a community. The concept isn't new. But it's certainly growing on me (and others). Simply defined by Webster as "a unified body of individuals," community is a lot about "togetherness." While this definition is quite simple on paper, there is an important symbiosis here that . . .
Posted in: balancecollaborationcommunicationcommunitydemocratizationhuman resourceshumanizing workindividuality
stop teaching, start finding
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
Since the dawn of time...literally...all living creatures have been programmed to pass their knowledge on to their successors. For most lifeforms, that knowledge passes quite naturally through a reliably consistent strain of DNA. For more intelligent life - like, say, mammals - much of that transfer happens through observation, mimic, and a . . .
Posted in: discoveryfuture of workhr simply engineeredhuman resourceshumanizing workinnovationlearning and developmenttraining
get some new shoes
Work and HR Simply Engineered
The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) holds it's annual conference near and dear. As the largest association for HR Professionals, it realized long ago that their cobbler's children rarely have shoes. Most organizations have enough trouble funding learning and development opportunities for their line-professionals let . . .
Posted in: bersin by deloitteconferencesemployee engagementfuture of workhr professionhr technologyhrevolutionhuman resourcesigniteshrmthe economist
Build Communities, not Institutions
HR Simply-Engineered
Human beings are complex, but only if you get in their way.
But If you don't - if you allow their whole-selves to flourish - good people will do great things with a workplace. Passion and purpose will emerge. And suddenly, the place will start to look a lot more like a community...not an institution. Finally! A place where...
. . .Posted in: communicationcommunitycommunity carbondiversity and inclusionfuture of workhrhuman resourceshumanizing workleadershiporganization structure
Simply-Engineering HR
Creating Community Carbon
HR is Broken
After spending 17+ years as a Human Resources Executive with firms like Deloitte, Navigant Consutling, and Baker Tilly, I figured out that the HR function as we know it is quite simply irrelevant.
The company says it wants its HR people to partner more closely with the business, to be more strategic, to drive . . .
Posted in: advisory servicescharlie judycommunityhrhr professionhr simply engineeredhuman resourcesrecruitingstrategywhat i do
Changing the HR Conversation
HR Simply-Engineered
Ride the Groundswell
If markets are conversations, then the people who are doing the talking, the listening, and the sharing are the most important asset we have. The groundswell exists, and it is powerful—we’re part of this groundswell, and we can make the future of work - its humanization - happen right now, in lots of little . . .
Posted in: charlie judycluetrain manifestodilbertfacilitatorhrhuman resourcesspeakingthe officewhat i do
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