customize this
HR and Work Simply-Engineered
Your employees can walk into any Starbucks and get their very own special patent-able beverage...because that's the way they want it. They can tap Pandora to stream straight to their little eardrums any type of music at any time...because that's the way they want it. They can go to Nike and build any shoe in any color in any design . . .
Posted in: competitive advantageconsumerismcustomizationdifferentiationfuture of workhrjobvitenikepandorapersonalizationspecial saucestarbucksuberuniversity of phoenix
pass the podium
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I received an invitation the other day from X (I won't embarrass the organization) for a Leadership Series on “Lessons Learned from the Corner Office.” Comprised mostly of CEO’s (because HR professionals don’t sit ‘in the corner office’), I was promised to be schooled from the podium in what we suck at, how I might be more like them, and . . .
it's not yours
Work and HR Simply-Engineered
This is much less of a blog post than a public service announcement. Thank you to Lars Schmidt and Hootsuite for inspiring it. Sure, it's a rant. But you've grown to expect that.
Consider posting it in your break room, by the elevators...anywhere. For best results, make sure your marketing team see's it.
Date: . . .
Posted in: authenticitycareer pagescommunicationscommunityemployer brandhootsuitehrhr simply engineeredlars schmidtleadershiplet gomarketingrecruitingtalent acquisitiontrust
You do not suck
HR Simply-Engineered
If everyone took the time to read everything that's printed everyday about the Human Resources profession, the world of work, and how to make it better, we'd all be lost in a sea of mostly meaningless words. Interesting concepts? Sure. Thoughtful? Maybe. Relevant? Only you can decide that.
As an HR professional, you've . . .
Don't Confuse Instinct with Insight
HR Simply-Engineered
I don't claim to be the smartest guy in the room. And when it comes to work, I certainly don't have all the answers. But I think I've spent enough time crawling through the mud to recognize 'speakity-speak.' There seems to be a whole lot of it out there these days. Are the workplace pundits really just waking up to the . . .
Posted in: culturefuture of workhappinesshrhr professionhr simply engineeredhumanizing workinstinctproductivityvirgin
Fishbowl Logic
HR Simply-Engineered
Simple HR through Sound Bites
I used to write another blog - HRFishbowl. It was my foray into mouthing-off to the world. It's gone now...I gave it was time. I saved some stuff, though. Much of the following came from those days. Fishbowl Logic is essentially a set of pithy ideas for keeping HR simple.
1) HR . . .
Posted in: changecharlie judycommunicationcommunitycompensationdatafishbowl logichrhr professionhr simply engineeredjack welchleadershipperformance managementtrenchhrvacation
Build Communities, not Institutions
HR Simply-Engineered
Human beings are complex, but only if you get in their way.
But If you don't - if you allow their whole-selves to flourish - good people will do great things with a workplace. Passion and purpose will emerge. And suddenly, the place will start to look a lot more like a community...not an institution. Finally! A place where...
. . .Posted in: communicationcommunitycommunity carbondiversity and inclusionfuture of workhrhuman resourceshumanizing workleadershiporganization structure
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