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HR & Work Simply-Engineered
Since the dawn of time...literally...all living creatures have been programmed to pass their knowledge on to their successors. For most lifeforms, that knowledge passes quite naturally through a reliably consistent strain of DNA. For more intelligent life - like, say, mammals - much of that transfer happens through observation, mimic, and a . . .
Posted in: discoveryfuture of workhr simply engineeredhuman resourceshumanizing workinnovationlearning and developmenttraining
Innovating the World of Work
Humanizing the Workplace
Some things should be left alone. They are as perfect today as they were when they were first made - whether by (wo)man, by Mother Nature, or by our favorite higher-power. It's a good thing, though, that we like to tinker. Because there's a lot of tinkering to be had.
The 'world of work' needs...well, work. In spite . . .
Posted in: apprenticeship modelchangecharlie judycommand and controlcommunityfuture of workhierarchyhumanizing workinnovation
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