pass the podium
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I received an invitation the other day from X (I won't embarrass the organization) for a Leadership Series on “Lessons Learned from the Corner Office.” Comprised mostly of CEO’s (because HR professionals don’t sit ‘in the corner office’), I was promised to be schooled from the podium in what we suck at, how I might be more like them, and . . .
get some new shoes
Work and HR Simply Engineered
The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) holds it's annual conference near and dear. As the largest association for HR Professionals, it realized long ago that their cobbler's children rarely have shoes. Most organizations have enough trouble funding learning and development opportunities for their line-professionals let . . .
Posted in: bersin by deloitteconferencesemployee engagementfuture of workhr professionhr technologyhrevolutionhuman resourcesigniteshrmthe economist
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