right talent right place
HR & Works Simply-Engineered
Nitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.
How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?
This is what I told them...
"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .
Posted in: authenticitybest buycommunicationconsumerismemployer brandemployer profilefuture of workhuman resourceshumanizing worktalent acquisitiontransparencytrenchhr
it's not yours
Work and HR Simply-Engineered
This is much less of a blog post than a public service announcement. Thank you to Lars Schmidt and Hootsuite for inspiring it. Sure, it's a rant. But you've grown to expect that.
Consider posting it in your break room, by the elevators...anywhere. For best results, make sure your marketing team see's it.
Date: . . .
Posted in: authenticitycareer pagescommunicationscommunityemployer brandhootsuitehrhr simply engineeredlars schmidtleadershiplet gomarketingrecruitingtalent acquisitiontrust
Fourteen days out
HR Simply-Engineered
When the average 22 year-old college graduate is confronted for the first time with their future after keg stands and Frisbee on the quad, it is an abyss. Faced with the threat of having to move back home and sleeping in the old bedroom, there is nothing more appealing than a paycheck. It is a saving grace. And most will do almost anything . . .
Posted in: authenticitycareersdeloittefamilyfuture of workhumanizing workkeg standslibertiespaychecksserenitytulaneworklife
Cover image credit: http://steel.org