Charlie Judy

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customize this

HR and Work Simply-Engineered

telegraph imageYour employees can walk into any Starbucks and get their very own special patent-able beverage...because that's the way they want it. They can tap Pandora to stream straight to their little eardrums any type of music at any time...because that's the way they want it. They can go to Nike and build any shoe in any color in any design . . .

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July 23, 2015

right talent right place

HR & Works Simply-Engineered

window pane imageNitro, a document productivity company, recently asked me to respond to the following question for an E-Book they were publishing.

How can HR professionals maximize their company presence to attract top talent?

This is what I told them...

"First, let’s turn the traditional concept of 'top . . .

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July 16, 2015

stop teaching, start finding

HR & Work Simply-Engineered

hourglass imageSince the dawn of time...literally...all living creatures have been programmed to pass their knowledge on to their successors. For most lifeforms, that knowledge passes quite naturally through a reliably consistent strain of DNA. For more intelligent life - like, say, mammals - much of that transfer happens through observation, mimic, and a . . .

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July 02, 2015

get some new shoes

Work and HR Simply Engineered

oil lamp imageThe Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) holds it's annual conference near and dear. As the largest association for HR Professionals, it realized long ago that their cobbler's children rarely have shoes. Most organizations have enough trouble funding learning and development opportunities for their line-professionals let . . .

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May 28, 2015

an image that says it all

HR and Work Simply-Engineered

push mower imageI read the Wall Street Journal. Or at least I try to. It leaves me scratching my head more often than not. But I’ve always thought it does a (reasonably) good job of representing a (relative) diversity of opinion and perspective. And it makes me look important when I'm on the train.

the almighty council

A few years back, . . .

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May 22, 2015

Fourteen days out

HR Simply-Engineered

scales imageWhen the average 22 year-old college graduate is confronted for the first time with their future after keg stands and Frisbee on the quad, it is an abyss. Faced with the threat of having to move back home and sleeping in the old bedroom, there is nothing more appealing than a paycheck. It is a saving grace. And most will do almost anything . . .

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May 08, 2015

Don't Confuse Instinct with Insight

HR Simply-Engineered

anvilI don't claim to be the smartest guy in the room. And when it comes to work, I certainly don't have all the answers. But I think I've spent enough time crawling through the mud to recognize 'speakity-speak.' There seems to be a whole lot of it out there these days. Are the workplace pundits really just waking up to the . . .

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April 30, 2015


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