Seed first, ask later
HR Simply-Engineered
You have a great idea. It's different, unique, a bit of a push. But man it's a good idea. You wonder, in fact, why you hadn't thought of it sooner. Sweet sounds of sirens emanate. You're so enamored with it, you just have to share. Why wouldn't everyone be as thrilled with it as you?
Well, let me count the . . .
Innovating the World of Work
Humanizing the Workplace
Some things should be left alone. They are as perfect today as they were when they were first made - whether by (wo)man, by Mother Nature, or by our favorite higher-power. It's a good thing, though, that we like to tinker. Because there's a lot of tinkering to be had.
The 'world of work' needs...well, work. In spite . . .
Posted in: apprenticeship modelchangecharlie judycommand and controlcommunityfuture of workhierarchyhumanizing workinnovation
Fishbowl Logic
HR Simply-Engineered
Simple HR through Sound Bites
I used to write another blog - HRFishbowl. It was my foray into mouthing-off to the world. It's gone now...I gave it was time. I saved some stuff, though. Much of the following came from those days. Fishbowl Logic is essentially a set of pithy ideas for keeping HR simple.
1) HR . . .
Posted in: changecharlie judycommunicationcommunitycompensationdatafishbowl logichrhr professionhr simply engineeredjack welchleadershipperformance managementtrenchhrvacation
A Call to Maladjustment
HR Simply-Engineered
On 1/18/2010, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Bethel College played for the first time a recording of a speech Dr. King made on its campus. It is the only known recording of this speech and they were lucky enough to track down an alumnus who brought his own reel-to-reel recording equipment to the auditorium that day 50 years ago. How cool is . . .
Posted in: changedisruptionfuture of workhrhr simply engineeredhrfishbowlmartin luther king jr.old schooltrenchhr
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