expectations beware
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
It turns out we spend a lot of our lives running around trying to do what others expect of us. It is essentially how we're reared. Parents set expectations and we either meet them or don't. Our spouses have expectations, our children have expectations, our friends have expectations...we have expectations for ourselves. Man, even God . . .
Fishbowl Logic
HR Simply-Engineered
Simple HR through Sound Bites
I used to write another blog - HRFishbowl. It was my foray into mouthing-off to the world. It's gone now...I gave it up...it was time. I saved some stuff, though. Much of the following came from those days. Fishbowl Logic is essentially a set of pithy ideas for keeping HR simple.
1) HR . . .
Posted in: changecharlie judycommunicationcommunitycompensationdatafishbowl logichrhr professionhr simply engineeredjack welchleadershipperformance managementtrenchhrvacation
HR is a Commodity, Make it an Experience
HR Simply-Engineered
If you’re in business, generally you sell a product or a service. That product or service, based on a multitude of factors, is received by consumers in some experiential way. On one end of the continuum, you have a “commodity.” You can get it at a number of places, it’s pretty much the same wherever you get it. “Goods and services" come . . .
Posted in: benefitsdisneyexperiencehr professionhrfishbowlold schoolpayrollperformance managementsafety
Does it matter what they say?
HR Simply-Engineered
This is my very first blog post...ever...
To me HR is all about one thing – optimizing the performance of people in organizations which rely heavily on human capital for their success. All this talk over the years about “getting a seat at the table” becoming a “strategic partner of the business” is great…it’s helped move the needle . . .
Cover image credit: http://steel.org