an image that says it all
HR and Work Simply-Engineered
I read the Wall Street Journal. Or at least I try to. It leaves me scratching my head more often than not. But I’ve always thought it does a (reasonably) good job of representing a (relative) diversity of opinion and perspective. And it makes me look important when I'm on the train.
the almighty council
A few years back, . . .
Posted in: capital gains taxdiversity and inclusioneconomyfuture of workgrowthmediapoliticspublic policywall street journalwall street journal ceo councilworkforcewsj
Build Communities, not Institutions
HR Simply-Engineered
Human beings are complex, but only if you get in their way.
But If you don't - if you allow their whole-selves to flourish - good people will do great things with a workplace. Passion and purpose will emerge. And suddenly, the place will start to look a lot more like a community...not an institution. Finally! A place where...
. . .Posted in: communicationcommunitycommunity carbondiversity and inclusionfuture of workhrhuman resourceshumanizing workleadershiporganization structure
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