pass the podium
HR & Work Simply-Engineered
I received an invitation the other day from X (I won't embarrass the organization) for a Leadership Series on “Lessons Learned from the Corner Office.” Comprised mostly of CEO’s (because HR professionals don’t sit ‘in the corner office’), I was promised to be schooled from the podium in what we suck at, how I might be more like them, and . . .
HR is a Commodity, Make it an Experience
HR Simply-Engineered
If you’re in business, generally you sell a product or a service. That product or service, based on a multitude of factors, is received by consumers in some experiential way. On one end of the continuum, you have a “commodity.” You can get it at a number of places, it’s pretty much the same wherever you get it. “Goods and services" come . . .
Posted in: benefitsdisneyexperiencehr professionhrfishbowlold schoolpayrollperformance managementsafety
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